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How to Look Manly? 9 Easy Tips to be Masculine

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No one can argue the fact that Looking Manly is just a very common desire for any real man.

Most often we get ourselves messed up with the misconception that you can’t look manly unless you have a bear. But interestingly this is the miscalculation you are having with yourselves. Except having bears, there’re plenty of factors that matter on how manly you are.

But first, it should be clear, what makes a man look feminine? There are some activities or behaviors that can make you look more feminine than you really are.

To be a man and look like a man, first of all, you have to dismount the activities and behavior that make you look feminine.

Here’s somewhat we are talking about, like taking more selfies, removing hair from every part of your body, having less emotional control over yourself and crying, wearing skinny dresses and pants, earrings, oversized sweaters, cuffed pants, and chinos, at last, overarched and over-plucked eyebrows. This is not all that makes you look feminine but these are things that you should be aware of in order to make you look more masculine.

Now it’s time to get to the main point. How to look manly? Let’s look at some point which can surely make a man more manly.

Take charge and responsibility.

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God made a man physically stronger than a female. And you have to use it. Protest against any kinds of injustice and oppression. Help people in simple casual ways. That’s what a real man is supposed to do. That will show your ability and quality which will lead you to look more manly. People say being a man is not that easy. This is the point why they think so and probably this is why God made man.

Groom your beard.

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If you’re going to grow out a beard, especially if you’re attempting to keep one in a professional setting, make damn sure you keep it well-groomed. Keep your beard trimmed to give it an appealing shape. Even if you’re going for length, your beard should get a regular trim every now and then to cut off any broken and split hairs so that it can continue to grow unimpaired. Don’t forget to apply beard oil and beard balm in the morning and after washing your face to keep it soft and healthy and avoid scraggly dryness. Going a step further, beard wax will help control and style your beard so it doesn’t point out in a million directions. But remember don’t over style.

Stand and move correctly.

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Standing and walking are the most underrated but most noticeable activities of a human being. So stand and walk straightly. Do not mend. If you mend or stand like a curved line that will make people feel that you aren’t confident enough and you do not wish to be there. So walk confidently and prolong your chest. These simple changes can change you and make you look more masculine.

Be confident and take care of your mental health.

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You know that point but you never understood it. Men’s Mental Health is something that is less spoken of in today’s world, but it is one of the most important topics that should be discussed and be taught to both the older generations and the younger men of today. If you are mentally fully healthy then you will find a spontaneous power that will make you more confident. And this is what most of the men lack.

Choose your apparel consciously.

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Do not wear clothes or shirts that are tightly fit to you. A stat says that you can solve 80% of your style problem by getting the right fit. So be aware of what you wear. You don’t need a suit to make you look manly. Just ask yourself what suits you best. You can test yourself to solve this. Wear the right outfit that  suits and makes you more confident and make people ask themselves, ”How the hell does he look so cool wearing just a t-shirt and jeans?” 

Be relaxed and calm.

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Overreaction and uncontrolled anger will make you more irritating and less valuable to other people which you won’t want if you want to look more manly. So think twice before any misbehavior and reply with calmness. That will show you maturity which is one of the fundamental characteristics of the real man. Men are subjected to a lot of standards regarding being tough and not showing their emotions. Besides, it’s more manly when a man is sensitive, empathetic, romantic, and passionate. It means he’s confident enough not to worry about the standards. Feel these lines. 

Use suitable accessories.

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There are some accessories like belts, watches, wallets, bags, and sunglasses which are very decorative for a man to look more manly.  All these accessories should be used to complete an outfit not to draw attention to themselves. It’s better to go a little understated than screaming for attention. Also, make sure they go together. A Velcro wallet combined with a suit and tie is a bad idea. But remember you’re dressing like crap, accessories are not going to save you. If you dress well, a few well-chosen accessories can lift your whole appearance to a new level.

Body Hair is effective to show your manliness.

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 One of the other things you can play around with is body hair. While this isn’t something that will be commonly visible, it will have a big impact on how you look when you take your clothes off. If you’re shaving every piece of body hair at the moment, think about changing that.

Maintain proper hygiene.

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You’ll think this should have been learned when men were mere boys, long before they’re coming of age.  You’d think stench and grime shouldn’t be the first thing mentioned on this list, but it is. Brush your teeth twice a day, including the tongue.  No one likes a dirty mouth.  Wash up – your entire body and face – at least once a day.  If you just finished work or some heavy lifting at the gym, you reek.  Apply deodorant after your shower and reapply throughout the day as needed.  Never over-do the cologne.  If you can smell yourself, that means the people around you can’t breathe without suffocating on your scent.


If you can remember these points and try to abide by them, surely you can find yourself more manly than you were.

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